
Our 临床研究 Unit works to ensure all patients have access to cutting-edge cancer clinical trials throughout Los Angeles 这个国家.

癌症幸存者Grace Geaga和皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的Dr. Sanaz Memarzadeh

自1976年以来, the UCLA Health 约翰逊综合癌症中心 has been designated a Comprehensive 癌症中心 by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). 像这样, the 癌症中心 is dedicated to excellence and adherence to the highest ethical standards in both the delivery of patient care and the conduct of research.

The UCLA Health 约翰逊综合癌症中心 offers cancer clinical trials throughout its Oncology Clinical Trials Network. The Network offers clinical trials to cancer patients at a wide range of locations. 包括皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校医院, 韦斯特伍德和圣莫尼卡的主校区诊所, UCLA owned-and-operated community oncology practices across 皇冠hga025, and throughout the United States via the TRIO-US Network (Translational Research in Oncology-US).

要搜索皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的癌症临床试验,请访问我们的 临床试验检索工具. 你也可以调用 临床试验热线 at 855-731-6040.


Clinical research infrastructure and operations reside under the 癌症中心's 临床研究 Unit (CRU), which works to ensure all patients have access to cutting-edge cancer clinical trials throughout Los Angeles, 皇冠hga025, 这个国家. CRU的四个皇冠hga025如下所示.


CRSS皇冠hga025,由 玛吉Lindenbaum, is responsible for: administration of scientific review of all cancer clinical research studies through the 癌症中心's 疾病部位分组 and the 内部科学同行评审委员会; administration of the Data Safety and Monitoring Board; standardized clinical research training and education for faculty and staff; 法规遵从性, monitoring and auditing of investigator-initiated studies with DSMB oversight; and federally required reporting.


CTD皇冠hga025,由 克里斯汀Kivork, is responsible for soup-to-nuts support for the development and execution of investigator initiated clinical trials. Services include but are not limited to: concept development and protocol writing; study activation and regulatory coordination; clinical trial execution; and manuscript preparation.


CRES皇冠hga025,由 金凯利, is responsible for cancer clinical trial study activation and study execution, 包括面对病人的职责和临床试验管理, 法规遵从性, 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校医院的内部质量监控和审计, 以及位于韦斯特伍德和圣莫尼卡的主校区诊所.


CORS分部,由 Lori玻璃, 谁负责研究的执行, 包括面对病人的职责和临床试验管理, 法规遵从性, internal quality monitoring and auditing for UCLA owned-and-operated community oncology practices throughout 皇冠hga025.


The NCI requires that each cancer center has a Protocol Review and Monitoring System (PRMS) to assess scientific merit and feasibility of all protocols studying subjects diagnosed with, 或者有风险, cancer conducted at our 癌症中心 and to monitor for accrual and scientific relevance. 其核心是, the PRMS is responsible for ensuring all clinical research has a sound design with scientific merit and undergoes a rigorous review. The overall PRMS process requires assessment of clinical research protocols at two levels: Disease Site Group review through the 15 癌症中心 疾病部位分组 and centralized cancer center review through the 内部科学同行评审委员会(ISPRC).

The 疾病部位分组 and ISPRC are required to evaluate all oncology clinical research studies prior to implementation at UCLA. ISPRC also reviews protocol amendments and annual accrual activity as they are submitted.

另外, investigator-initiated interventional clinical research protocols require Data and Safety Monitoring oversight through the 癌症中心's 数据和安全监测委员会 (DSMB). DSMB approval is required after DSG approval and before ISPRC submission.

Proper conduct of clinical trials in oncology is ensured by the 内部质量保证计划, 成立于1986年.


Below are the clinical research programs and resources available to you as a UCLA Health 约翰逊综合癌症中心 member. 点击按钮点击链接并访问更多信息.



Activation of a new study requires study approval steps within the 癌症中心 and Enterprise-wide, 包括介入性和非介入性癌症相关研究.



The 癌症中心 operates a series of multi-disciplinary disease site groups responsible for initial review of all interventional cancer clinical trials protocols at UCLA.



The 癌症中心 operates a series of multi-disciplinary disease site groups responsible for initial review of all interventional cancer clinical trials protocols at UCLA.



The 内部科学同行评审委员会(ISPRC) reviews clinical oncology protocols conducted by 癌症中心 investigators.



The 癌症中心 has a long-standing 内部质量保证计划 (IQAP) to ensure proper conduct of clinical trials in oncology and safeguard the rights and welfare of the study subjects.



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